e|net, the company which manages the State’s Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), welcomed the Government’s announcement on the National Broadband Scheme (NBS), saying that Ireland’s 27 Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) will play an important role in the NBS roll-out.
Conal Henry, CEO of e|net commented, “e|net is encouraged by the Department’s announcement and its continuing commitment to make broadband universal in Ireland. e|net is proud to be in a position to support 3 in the roll-out of the NBS. The MANs are a critical element in delivering this initiative both in terms of the quality of infrastructure and their proven impact on competition within the market. e|net and the MANs are already delivering on the policy objectives of attracting and retaining foreign direct investment in regional Ireland, reducing the cost of high quality broadband, and increasing competition among telecoms providers in the regions.”
The NBS, which signals a further rollout of broadband connectivity around the country, will deliver broadband to certain target areas in Ireland in which broadband services are not available. 3 will be required to provide services to all premises in the NBS area who seek a service. In order to facilitate competition in the area, 3 will also be required to provide wholesale access to any other authorised operator who wishes to serve premises in the NBS area